The Paris Wife

I had a meeting last night so I missed the beginning of the Oscars (I know, I know, it’s awful!!) Other than that, I had a great weekend! We didn’t do anything special, just a lot of down time with Chris. It was really nice to not have anything that we had to do.

I did have a chance to finish The Paris Wife by Paula McLain. It was an interesting story because it was based on real events that happened to real people but it was a fiction novel. It is the story of Hadley, Ernest Hemingway’s first wife, and the time they were together in the 1920s.  It was the beginning of Ernest’s career and Hadley believed in the traditional meaning of marriage and love  in a time and place where both were being challenged. It is told from her point of view as we walk though the challenges she faces in her relationship and becoming the woman that she wants to be. McLain did a nice job with this book because although I could guess what was going to happen in the end, she kept my interest throughout the story until the last page.

The Paris Wife

It was definitely different from the other books that I have read recently (The Hunger Games series) but it was nice to switch gears for a while.

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