Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt
I know I’m way behind on this one, but I tried my first Greek yogurt today. I know tons of people love Greek yogurt and I only ever hear good things about it so I wanted to give it a try. I decided to try the Strawberry Banana Chobani. I thought that would be a safe choice for me since strawberry banana yogurt is my favorite. I wasn’t sure what to expect and I’m still not completely sure how I feel about it. Here are my initial thoughts:

  • Weird consistency
  • Good flavor
  • Filling without being high in calories
Chobani Strawberry Banana Greek Yogurt

I’m hooked! 
I have been completely hooked on Jason Mraz’s song I won’t give up all day today. It gets stuck in my head which has caused me to play it over and over again on YouTube. So I’ve decided to share it with you as well. Enjoy!


Do you like Greek yogurt? What brands and flavors would you recommend?  

Workout playlist

Since one of my resolutions this year is to get in shape, I’ve decided I need a new workout playlist. I’ve never put together a specific playlist for my time at the gym but I think it’s a good idea. I want to choose songs that are going to keep me moving and keep me entertained. I typically work out by myself and tend to get bored (which sometimes cuts my gym time shorter than it should be).

I’ve searched through my iTunes library but I think a need some new additions for my workout playlist. I’d love any suggestions to add to my list. I appreciate the help in keeping me motivated!

What songs help you push your workout to the next level?