2015 Goals


This year I decided I didn’t want to make resolutions, I wanted to set goals. I know it sounds like the same thing but I feel like it’s a mental change. In my head, I looked at my resolutions as trying to fix something negative in my life while goals are working toward something positive. That’s how I’m looking at it to give myself motivation at least. 🙂

So here they are, my 2015 goals!

#1 Get into better shape

Stereotypical? Yes. Necessary? YES! I’ve been talking about it for a long time but now is the time I’m going to make a change. It’s not just about losing weight. It’s about feeling better about myself . This goal includes some scale and non-scale pieces:

a) Lose 30-40 pounds – I know this isn’t going to happen overnight so I’m going to celebrate each pound I lose and say goodbye to it forever.

b) Complete a Beachbody program – I purchased the 21 Day Fix over the summer and did well on the meal plan but not the workouts and I’m hoping to buy Piyo this month. Both of these programs are great and I think they can help me reach my goals if I keep at them. I have a great friend who is my Beachbody coach (Yay Mal!!) who I know will help me stay accountable on this one.

c) Wear a bikini – This will be the ultimate test of feeling comfortable in my own skin again. It’ll happen in stages, I’m sure, from wearing a smaller size pair of jeans to a t-shirt that hugs my mid-section without needing a cardigan. It’s the little things that are going to make a huge difference.

d) Ride every mile of RAGBRAI – I rode every day of the week long ride two years ago but not quite every mile so that’s my goal this year (every mile not including the Karras loop that is).

"because it's about time I become the best me I can be"

#2 Finish 3 quilts

I’ve wanted to take up quilting for a while now and Chris’ mom got me a sewing machine for Christmas so I could start. I bought my first pattern and some fabric for my first quilt and I can’t wait to get started! I know it’s going to be a process learning my new machine, re-learning to sew (haven’t touched a sewing machine since high school!), learning how to quilt – lots to learn! – so I feel like 3 is a good goal for year 1 🙂

fat quarters and quilt pattern
Fabric for my first quilting project!

#3 Grow my Jamberry business

I wrote earlier this week about becoming an Independent Consultant for Jamberry Nails and it has been a wonderful experience so far! I want to work on growing my business this year and share Jamberry Nails with other people.

Jamberry - ask me why I love my job

#4 Launch my dog treat business

I’ve been talking about this for a couple of years now but I feel like this is the time, I want to launch my dog treat business in 2015! I’m hoping that I can create my website, possibly get a spot at the local farmer’s market, and start selling my treats 🙂 It’s a dream to someday have a store front but let’s take this one step at a time!

Christmas tin of dog treats
Treats I made for Christmas gifts

#5 Read (at least) 12 books

I love reading and every year I have intentions of reading a ton of books but throughout the year I lose focus, get wrapped up in too many tv shows, can’t decide what to read, excuses, excuses, excuses. If you haven’t been able to tell so far, my goals are all about doing things for myself, making myself a happier person (which in turn will make me a better partner, friend, co-worker, sister, daughter…) so I want to focus on reading more because it’s something that I enjoy. 12 books isn’t a huge number, one a month – totally do able. Maybe I’ll even try to get involved in a book club (or start one!).

2015 reading challenge
Tracking my books through gooreads.com

#6 Blog more consistently

It’s always a goal and always one that I fail at but if I’m going to going to do all of the fun things above I better be talking about it! I love spending time putting my thoughts out there for the blog (however random and inarticulate) and I hope that people enjoy reading them too! If I can do this, I’d love to take on the task of finding a new WordPress theme and self-host my blog. Maybe a 2016 goal…

repeat after me: "I can do this"

There it is, a list of my top goals for 2015 (sorry for the lengthy post). I’ve been nervous about putting everything out there for people to see because it makes it real. But maybe that’s just what I need. Hopefully this will keep me accountable, help me reach my goals.

All of these are of course in addition to finishing wedding planning, marrying the love of my life in April, spending time with family and friends, and working at my full-time job. It’s going to be a busy, crazy, exciting, memorable year and I can’t wait to experience it 🙂

Did you set any resolutions/goals for the new year? 

2013 resolutions

With another year in the books it’s time to put together some resolutions for the upcoming year. As I mentioned last year, I was never big on making New Years resolutions. Last year I did a pretty good job of keeping up with my resolutions…for a while (at least I tried?) but in the end I couldn’t make it the whole year. This year my goal is to make real changes and make these goals stick!

Here we go:
1. Focus more on my health and fitness. I want to make some real changes when it comes to working out and eating healthy. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to say I’m cutting out every cookie and chip but I am going to cut down. I have a weight loss goal in mind and I’m hoping to not only reach it but maintain it.
2. Spend more time on my blog. I really enjoy blogging, even if it is just getting out my thoughts on something silly. It’s become an outlet for me and I don’t want to put it on the back burner anymore.
3. Read more. I’ve read a lot more books this year but I want to make sure I keep up on this. Reading is so relaxing and entertaining. I’m participating in a couple of book clubs that are getting me to read books I’d never pick up in my own and I really enjoy it.
4. Take more photos. I’d like to even take a photography class to learn more about my camera and become better at something I like to do.

So that’s it…or at least a start. I don’t want to limit myself to just this list, I’m sure I’ll think of new goals as the year goes on. Happy New Year everyone!

Resolutions Update

I thought since we’re officially one month into 2012 I should do an update on my New Years resolutions. I’m feeling pretty good about what I’ve accomplished so far!

1. Blog more – I feel like I’ve done a pretty good job of keeping up with my blog (especially compared to blogs I’ve tried to start in the past!). I hope people are enjoying reading my posts and I’m always open to suggestions for new topics.

2. Get in shape – 7 lbs down and feeling good about my fitness goals. I’ve been eating healthier and hitting the gym 2-3 times a week (not including any workouts I’m doing at home). I have a ways to go to meet my goal but I know it’s not going to happen overnight. I also know that I want to make this a lifestyle change not just an “until I reach my goal” change.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in & day out.
Found on Pinterest

3. Take more photos – This is the resolutions I am failing at so far this year. I haven’t been out once to shoot but I’m hoping to change that soon. Plus, it’s a resolution for the whole year not just the first month!

All in all, I’m definitely happy with how my resolutions are going.

Did you make any resolutions for the new year? How are you doing with them today?

Workout playlist

Since one of my resolutions this year is to get in shape, I’ve decided I need a new workout playlist. I’ve never put together a specific playlist for my time at the gym but I think it’s a good idea. I want to choose songs that are going to keep me moving and keep me entertained. I typically work out by myself and tend to get bored (which sometimes cuts my gym time shorter than it should be).

I’ve searched through my iTunes library but I think a need some new additions for my workout playlist. I’d love any suggestions to add to my list. I appreciate the help in keeping me motivated!

What songs help you push your workout to the next level?

Gym – day 1

I’ve done a few “workouts” around the house – taken the dog on a walk, kettlebell DVD (which is a story all itself) – but last night was the first time I’ve been to the gym this year. Actually, it’s the first time I’ve been there in a while…

BUT I was so excited to go and now I remember why. I felt so good after my workout and it wasn’t even super long. I decided to focus on some cardio to help kickstart my new workout regime and spent some time on the elliptical and treadmill. I’m not a runner so I just had a nice long walk on the treadmill after my time on the elliptical.

I can’t wait to work my way up to longer, harder workouts. I’m loving this resolution!

"No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch"
Found on Pinterest


Since the holidays are over, I decided it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming year and what I would like to do. I’ve never been someone who makes new years resolutions but I think that this year may be the year to start. So here it goes, my 2012 resolution list:

1. Blog more – I’ve started blogs in the past but I’ve always been bad at keeping up with them. I’m determined to make this one different.

2. Get in shape – It’s a long time coming but it’s finally time for me to start getting in shape. I have a weight loss goal in mind (which I’m sure I’ll fill you in on soon) and I’ve been stalling for months on starting my diet and workout regime. Well no more!

3. Take more photos – I started taking photos about a year and a half ago as a new hobby but the times have been few and far a between lately. I got a new 55mm – 200mm lens from my parents for Christmas and I’m super excited to start shooting with it. Also, relating back to #1, I have a photo blog and need new material to update it.

It may not seem like much, but for a girl that doesn’t make new years resolutions I think it’s a pretty good list. Now all I have to do is keep them. Wish me luck!

Do you have any resolutions for next year? I’d love to hear about them. I’m always looking for new ideas.