2013 resolutions

With another year in the books it’s time to put together some resolutions for the upcoming year. As I mentioned last year, I was never big on making New Years resolutions. Last year I did a pretty good job of keeping up with my resolutions…for a while (at least I tried?) but in the end I couldn’t make it the whole year. This year my goal is to make real changes and make these goals stick!

Here we go:
1. Focus more on my health and fitness. I want to make some real changes when it comes to working out and eating healthy. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to say I’m cutting out every cookie and chip but I am going to cut down. I have a weight loss goal in mind and I’m hoping to not only reach it but maintain it.
2. Spend more time on my blog. I really enjoy blogging, even if it is just getting out my thoughts on something silly. It’s become an outlet for me and I don’t want to put it on the back burner anymore.
3. Read more. I’ve read a lot more books this year but I want to make sure I keep up on this. Reading is so relaxing and entertaining. I’m participating in a couple of book clubs that are getting me to read books I’d never pick up in my own and I really enjoy it.
4. Take more photos. I’d like to even take a photography class to learn more about my camera and become better at something I like to do.

So that’s it…or at least a start. I don’t want to limit myself to just this list, I’m sure I’ll think of new goals as the year goes on. Happy New Year everyone!

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