One last 2014 Christmas & PiYo

Over the weekend, we had out last Christmas celebration of the year which was with Chris’ extended family (Grammie, aunts and uncles and all of his cousins on his Mom’s side of the family). We all meet at Grammie’s house, which is about 2.5 hours from Sioux City so we all end up staying the night there or down the road on Chris’ aunt and uncle’s farm. We had so much fun playing games, eating LOTS of food, having a little gift exchange and just relaxing. This is usually the one time of year we all get together so it’s always fun to catch up with everyone. Luckily, we’ll be seeing everyone before next Christmas because we have two wedding this spring! Ours in April and Chris’ cousin’s in May 🙂

Changing topics completely – I ordered PiYo on Friday! After hearing about this program, I could not wait to try it. Now I’m so anxious to get started and see what kind of results I can get. I’m planning on doing the 60-day program completely (per my 2015 goal 🙂 ) and really hoping that I can stick to it. I’m thinking about pairing it with the 21 Day Fix eating plan, that I already have and have done before. I think this could be the start of a whole new me (well a me that’s in better shape at least!). If you’re interested in any Beachbody programs let me know, I have an awesome coach who is super supportive and I know she would love to help you reach your fitness goals too and answer any questions you have about the programs.

Sorry for the random post. Happy Monday!!

2013 resolutions

With another year in the books it’s time to put together some resolutions for the upcoming year. As I mentioned last year, I was never big on making New Years resolutions. Last year I did a pretty good job of keeping up with my resolutions…for a while (at least I tried?) but in the end I couldn’t make it the whole year. This year my goal is to make real changes and make these goals stick!

Here we go:
1. Focus more on my health and fitness. I want to make some real changes when it comes to working out and eating healthy. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to say I’m cutting out every cookie and chip but I am going to cut down. I have a weight loss goal in mind and I’m hoping to not only reach it but maintain it.
2. Spend more time on my blog. I really enjoy blogging, even if it is just getting out my thoughts on something silly. It’s become an outlet for me and I don’t want to put it on the back burner anymore.
3. Read more. I’ve read a lot more books this year but I want to make sure I keep up on this. Reading is so relaxing and entertaining. I’m participating in a couple of book clubs that are getting me to read books I’d never pick up in my own and I really enjoy it.
4. Take more photos. I’d like to even take a photography class to learn more about my camera and become better at something I like to do.

So that’s it…or at least a start. I don’t want to limit myself to just this list, I’m sure I’ll think of new goals as the year goes on. Happy New Year everyone!

Resolutions Update

I thought since we’re officially one month into 2012 I should do an update on my New Years resolutions. I’m feeling pretty good about what I’ve accomplished so far!

1. Blog more – I feel like I’ve done a pretty good job of keeping up with my blog (especially compared to blogs I’ve tried to start in the past!). I hope people are enjoying reading my posts and I’m always open to suggestions for new topics.

2. Get in shape – 7 lbs down and feeling good about my fitness goals. I’ve been eating healthier and hitting the gym 2-3 times a week (not including any workouts I’m doing at home). I have a ways to go to meet my goal but I know it’s not going to happen overnight. I also know that I want to make this a lifestyle change not just an “until I reach my goal” change.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in & day out.
Found on Pinterest

3. Take more photos – This is the resolutions I am failing at so far this year. I haven’t been out once to shoot but I’m hoping to change that soon. Plus, it’s a resolution for the whole year not just the first month!

All in all, I’m definitely happy with how my resolutions are going.

Did you make any resolutions for the new year? How are you doing with them today?

Gift tags

For my Christmas gifts this year I decided to make custom tags. I’ve always just used the sticker tags that you can buy anywhere but I wanted to do something a little more original this year. After looking at the wrapping paper we had I decided to go with a burlap tag that I would paint on.

I used wooden letters that I found at hobby lobby and dipped them into red paint. Then I used them as stamps on the pieces of burlap I had cut. I only used the first initial of the gift recipient on each tag because I thought it would look cleaner than trying to stamp the whole name. It worked out nicely since I didn’t have anyone with the same first initial.

Here’s a look at the finished product.

Christmas gifts with burlap gift tags

burlap gift tags

I’m already thinking of ways to make them look better next year, but you’ll have to wait a while to see.

Christmas stocking

Last year I made Chris a stocking. It was from a kit that my mom purchased for me. She had done one for both my sister and I when we were babies so I wanted to do one of him. This year my sister’s boyfriend, Ryan, was going to be joining us for Christmas too. Naturally since everyone else has one, he needs a stocking too. I couldn’t let him be the only person with out one!

I didn’t have a lot of time so I tried to find a simple pattern. I finally ordered one from Joann Fabrics that I thought would be easy enough. Man was I wrong! It ended up having a TON of sequins on it, which isn’t a big deal until you realize you have to hand sew them all.

In the end I got it done in time and it turned out really well (if I do say so myself). I’m sure it won’t be the last one I ever do – Chris’ wasn’t nearly as complex (and its fairly small) so I feel like I need to make him a new one at some point.

Christmas Stocking


Since the holidays are over, I decided it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming year and what I would like to do. I’ve never been someone who makes new years resolutions but I think that this year may be the year to start. So here it goes, my 2012 resolution list:

1. Blog more – I’ve started blogs in the past but I’ve always been bad at keeping up with them. I’m determined to make this one different.

2. Get in shape – It’s a long time coming but it’s finally time for me to start getting in shape. I have a weight loss goal in mind (which I’m sure I’ll fill you in on soon) and I’ve been stalling for months on starting my diet and workout regime. Well no more!

3. Take more photos – I started taking photos about a year and a half ago as a new hobby but the times have been few and far a between lately. I got a new 55mm – 200mm lens from my parents for Christmas and I’m super excited to start shooting with it. Also, relating back to #1, I have a photo blog and need new material to update it.

It may not seem like much, but for a girl that doesn’t make new years resolutions I think it’s a pretty good list. Now all I have to do is keep them. Wish me luck!

Do you have any resolutions for next year? I’d love to hear about them. I’m always looking for new ideas.